- Discovery and History of X-Radiation
- Radiography is the making of radiographs by exposing an image receptor
- Radiology is the study of xrays and the techniques used to produce radiographic images.
- Radioactivity is the emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration (decay) of atomic nuclei *BOARD ALERT*
- Wilhelm Roentgen-Germany-discovered the x-ray Nov 8 1895-awarded a Nobel prize in physics in 1901 for the Crooke’s Tube (vacuum tube)
- X-ray Machine
- Three components of a dental x-ray machine
- Tube head (tightly sealed heavy metal and lead lined)
- designed to prevent excessive radiation exposure and electrical shock
- protects the x-ray tube from accidental damage
- prevents overheating from excess heat during x-ray production by providing a space filled with oil, gas and air
- transformers alter voltage of incoming electricity
- aluminum discs filter the longer-wavelength x-rays
- lead collimator restricts the size and shape of the x-ray beam
- position-indicating device (PID) aims and shapes the x-ray beam
the longer the PID produces an x-ray beam less divergent, decreases radiation exposure to client, and provides less image magnification
- Extension Arm (can revolve 360 degrees by the yoke)
- enables the tube head to be suspended
- hollow to allow electrical wires to run from control panel to the tube head
- Control Panel (regulates the exposure factors (mA, kVp, time)
Five major controls:
- Line switch
(1) on/off switch
- Milliampere (mA) selector *BOARD ALERT*
(1) determines the amount of x-rays produced
(2) the higher the mA setting, the hotter the filament becomes, resulting in a greater number of available electrons
(3) 7 to 15mA
- Kilovolt peak (kVp) selector *BOARD ALERT*
(1) controls the current passing from cathode to anode
(2) the higher the kVp setting the greater the penetrating power and speed of acceleration of electrons from the cathode to the anode
(3) 65 to 100kV
- Exposure Timer *BOARD ALERT*
(1) establishes the time during which electons are available for the bombardment of target material
(2) the higher the time setting, the more electrons available for x-ray production
- Exposure button
(1) activates x-ray production process
(2) automatically terminates exposure when finger ceases to press button
(3) audible sound heard when pressed
(4) indictor light is illuminated on control panel
(5) 60 impulses/second *BOARD ALERT*
III. Xray Productions
- Electricity-flow of electrons through a wire
- Direct current (DC): a steady flow of electrons in one direction; not in US *BOARD ALERT*
- Alternating current (AC): pulsing flow of electrons in both directions; in US *BOARD ALERT*
- Amperage-quantity of electric current
- Voltage-speed of electrons flowing from cathode to anode
- Increase in voltage=increases the speed electrons therefore the electrons strike the target with greater force and energy
- Step-down transformer-decreases voltage entering into tube
- Step-up transformer-increases voltage to propel electrons
- Autotransformer-before anode and cathode circuits (power constant) *BOARD ALERT*
- Three conditions must exist for x-rays to be produced
- A source of free electrons
- High voltage to impart speed to the electrons
- A target that is capable of stopping the electrons
Anode (+) | Cathode (-) |
Copper Stem | Filament |
Target | Focusing cup |
Step-up transformer | Step-down transformer |
kVp | mA |
timer |
When electrons move from cathode to anode end,
99% is absorbed and produces heat
1% leaves the tubehead (directed at patient)
- Physics of Radiation
- Atomic Structure
- Atom
- smallest particle of an element that still retains the properties of the element
- Composed of:
(1) Electrons (negative charge)
(2) Protons (positive charge)
(3) Neutrons (no charge)
- Atoms
(1) Electrons revolve around a nucleus in paths called shells or energy levels.
(2) Protons and neutrons form the nucleus.
(3) Binding energy-maintaining electrons in orbit by their positive attraction of the protons
- Molecule
(1) Combination of atoms
- Radiation
- Emission and movement of energy through space
- Ionization *BOARD ALERT*
- an atom that gains or loses an electron and becomes electronically unbalanced
- Charged particle that is positive or negative
- Ion pair *BOARD ALERT*
- Positive ion-atom from which an electron has been removed
- Negative ion-negatively charged electron separated from the atom
- Two types of Ionizing Radiation capable of producing ions:
- Particulate radiation *BOARD ALERT*
- tiny fast-moving particles
- have both mass and energy
- travel in straight lines
Ex. Proton, neutrons, alpha and beta particles
- Electromagnetic radiation *BOARD ALERT*
- the transmission of wave-like energy through space
- no mass
Ex. gamma, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays
- Electromagnetic spectrum is arranged and measured according to wavelength, frequency, and velocity.
Credit: NASA’s Imagine the Universe
- Wavelength *BOARD ALERT*
- distance from one crest of a wave to the next
- the shorter the wavelength, the greater are the energy and penetrating ability of the radiation
Credit: Britanica.com
- Frequency *BOARD ALERT*
- number of waves that pass a given point per unit of time
- the higher the frequency, the more penetrating power
Credit: Electrical4U
- Velocity *BOARD ALERT*
- the speed of the wave
- Properties of Xrays
- Consist of photons
- a single unit or bundle of energy have no mass or weight, are invisible, and cannot be sensed.
- X-rays: *BOARD ALERT*
- Are invisible
- Travel in straight lines
- Travel at speed of light
- Have no mass, weight or charge
- X-rays Interact with matter causing ionization
- Can penetrate opaque tissues and structures
- Can affect photographic film emulsion (producing a latent image)
- Can affect biological tissue
- Xrays have the ability to penetrate materials or tissues depends on:
- Wavelength of the x-ray
- Thickness and density of the object
- Materials that are extremely dense will absorb more x-rays than thin materials
- Dense materials such as amalgam appear radiopaque (white/light gray)
- Less dense materials such as the pulp chamber appear radiolucent
(black/dark gray)
- Types of Xrays Produced
- In a dental x-ray tube, the kinetic energy of electrons is converted to electromagnetic energy by the formation of:
- General or bremsstrahlung radiation
- Forms the majority of x-rays produced by dental x-ray machines
- A high-speed electron is slowed and bent off its course by the positive pull of the nucleus and the kinetic energy lost is converted into an x-ray (B).
- Characteristic radiation
- Forms the minority of x-rays produced by dental x-ray machines
- A high-speed electron hits and dislodges a K-shell electron then an electron from an outer shell fills in the place of the missing one and x-ray energy is released (C).
VII. Description of X-rays
- Primary radiation *BOARD ALERT*
- penetrating beam that is produced at the target
- primary or useful beam is the x-ray generated for the purpose of making a radiographic image
- Secondary radiation *BOARD ALERT*
- Formed as a result of primary radiation striking and interacting with matter
- Not only not useful in the production of a radiographic image
- Can contribute to a lowered contrast, poor quality image
- Scatter radiation *BOARD ALERT*
- form of secondary radiation in which the direction of travel of the x-ray has been altered as a result of interaction with matter; the beam is deflected
- Not useful
- Can cause unnecessary additional exposure to patient tissues and to the careless operator who does not follow safety protocols
VIII. Interaction of Xray with Matter
- Four possibilities
- No interaction (9%)
- X-ray photon can pass through an atom unchanged and no interaction occurs.
- Coherent scattering (8%)
- Incoming x-ray photon interacts with the electron by causing the electron to vibrate at the same frequency as the incoming x-ray photon. The incoming x-ray no longer exists. The vibrating electron emits a new, unmodified x-ray photon that is scatter but in a different direction.
- Photoelectric effect (30%)
- Incoming x-ray photon collides with an orbital electron and b. conveys electromagnetic energy to the electron in the form of c. kinetic energy knocking the electron from its orbit creating an ion pair.
- Compton scattering (60%)
- Similar to the photoelectric effect
- Only a part of the x-ray energy is transferred to the electron
- A new, weaker x-ray photon is formed and scattered.
- Units of Radiation
- The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU)
established standards that clearly define radiation units and radiation quantities
- Terms used to measure x-radiation are based on the ability of the x-ray to deposit its energy in air, tissues of the body, or other substances.
- Two systems are used to define the radiation measurements
- Traditional units (older) *BOARD ALERT*
- Roentgen (R)
- Rad (radiation absorbed dose)
- Rem (radiation equivalent in man)
- Système International (SI) units (newer) *BOARD ALERT*
- Coulombs per kilogram (C/kg)
- Gray (Gy)
- Sievert (Sv)
Quantity | SI Unit | Traditional Unit |
the measurement of ionization in air produced by x-rays |
Coulombs per kilogram (C/kg) | Roentgen (R) |
Absorbed dose
the amount of radiation absorbed by a tissue |
Gray (Gy)
1 |
100 |
Dose equivalent
the measure of biologic effects produced by different types of radiation |
Sievert (Sv)
1 |
100 |
- Sources of Radiation
- Background radiation 50% of the overall exposure to the US population
- Radon gas, the results of naturally occurring radionuclides found in soil
- Terrestrial and Space sources, cosmic radiation from outer space
- Internal sources natural exposure
- Medical applications 48% the overall exposure to the US population
- Computed tomography
- Nuclear medicine
- Interventional fluoroscopy
- Conventional radiography/fluoroscopy
- Consumer, industrial and occupational exposures account for the remaining 2% of total exposure to the US population
Credits: NCRPonline.org
- Quality Radiographs
- Principles of Shadow Casting *BOARD ALERT*
1. Small focal spot | Increase sharpness; Decrease magnification |
2. Long target-object distance | Increase sharpness; Decrease magnification |
3. Short object-image receptor distance | Increase sharpness; Decrease magnification |
4. Parallel object-image receptor | Decrease distortion |
5. Beam perpendicular (right angle) to object-image receptor | Decrease distortion |
- Density *BOARD ALERT*
- Overall darkness (blackness) of the image
- PRIMARILY affected by mA and time
- Secondarily by kVp
- Contrast *BOARD ALERT*
- Refers to the difference b/w black and light areas
- Affected ONLY by kVp
- High Contrast *BOARD ALERT*
- Low Contrast *BOARD ALERT*
- Exposure Factors and Density
- Milliamperage *BOARD ALERT*
- Determines QUANTITY of x-rays generated
- Affects density
Increase mA=hotter=increase e-=increase density=darker image
Decrease mA=lighter image
- Exposure Time
Increase exposure time=increase density=darker image
Decrease exposure time=lighter image
- Exposure Time and Milliamperage Inverse Relationship
- mA increased exposure time must be decreased
- mA decreased exposure time must be increased
- Kilovolt Peak *BOARD ALERT*
- Determines QUALITY of x-ray generated
Increase kVp=increase speed=more penetrating=more dense
Decrease kVp=less dense
- Rule of 15
- Increased kVp by 15Decrease exposure time by 2
- Decrease kVp by 15Increase exposure time by 2
- Inverse Square Law
- Change in operator distance:
I1 = (D2)2 I1=Original intensity
________ I2=New intensity
I2 = (D1)2 D1=Original distance
D2=New distance
Intensity of Radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of radiation
- when the distance is doubled, the beam is ¼ as intense
- when the distance is halved, the beam is four times more intense
- Pediatric Exposure
- Primary dentition-reduce adult exposure by ½
- Mixed dentition-reduce adult exposure by ½-1/4
- Two theories of Biological Effects: *BOARD ALERT*
- Direct theory (Direct Effect, Direct Hit)
- 1/3 of biological alterations from x-radiation
- X-ray photon collide with cell chemicals (DNA, chromosomes, etc) and breaks them apart causing critical damage to molecule
- Indirect theory (Radiolysis of water, Poison Water Theory)
- Radiation can cause chemical damage to a cell by ionizing the water within it
- Ionization causes water molecules to break into hydrogen and hydroxyl radical and reform into hydrogen peroxide.
- Dose-Response Curve: *BOARD ALERT*
- Threshold Dose-Response Curve
- Indicates a “threshold” amount (dose) of radiation, below which NO biological response (damage) would be expected
- Non-Threshold Dose-Response Curve
- Indicates that ANY amount (dose) of radiation, no matter how b. small, has the potential to cause a biological response (damage)
- Linear v
- The response is directly proportional to the dose (similar to Non- Threshold Dose)
- Effects of Radiation on Body Tissue
- Stochastic Effect
- Effects happen by chance not by the severity
- Non-stochastic Effect (Deterministic)
- Cause-and-effect relationship between radiation and side effects; increase doseincrease in severity
- Somatic Effects *BOARD ALERT*
- When damage occurs in the irradiated individual but not passed to offspring
- Genetic Effects *BOARD ALERT*
- Damages occur in hereditary tissues therefore the irradiated individuals show no damage but the offspring does
- Short-term Effects *BOARD ALERT*
- Large dose of radiation absorbed in a short time
- Effects seen within minutes, days or months after exposure
- Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
Erythema, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Hemorrhage, Hair loss
- Long-term Effects *BOARD ALERT*
- Small dose of radiation absorbed repetitively over a long time
- Effects seen years after original exposure
- Increased chance of:
Cancer, Defects, Low Birthweight, etc
- Cumulative Effects *BOARD ALERT*
- Increasing damage by each consecutive radiation exposure
- Sequence of Events following Radiation Exposure *BOARD ALERT*
- Latent Period
- Time between initial radiation exposure and before the first observable effect occurs
- Period of Injury
- Potential injuries:
Stoppage or abnormal of mitosis, clumping of chromosomes, formation of cancer cells
- Recovery Period
- Recovery can take place but some cells may not be able to return to its pre-irradiated state
- Outcome of Radiation Injury is dependent on: *BOARD ALERT*
- Total Dose
- Larger the doseMore severe damage
- Dose Rate
- Small dosesLess damaging than when given in a single large dose
- Area Exposed
- Large area exposedMore tissue damage
- Mitotic Activity
- Rapidly dividing cellsmore sensitive to radiation
- Cell Metabolism
- Higher metabolic cellsmore sensitive to radiation
- Cell Differentiation
- Immature cellsmore sensitive to radiation
Most Sensitive (Least resistant) | Less Sensitive (Most resistant) |
Lymphatics | Nerve cells |
Blood-forming cells | Muscle cells |
Reproductive cells | Bone and Cartilage |
- Critical Tissues for the radiographer include:
Skin of head/neck, bone marrow of the mandible, lens of the eyes, thyroid gland
- Prior to Exposure:
- Follow ADA Guidelines for Prescribing Dental Radiographs
- Evidence-based selection criteria should determine patient’s need for dental radiographs
- Consider ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) *BOARD ALERT*
- Notion that every dose of radiation may produce damage and radiation should be kept to the minimum needed to meet diagnostic quality.
- Equipment Standards
- Filtration *BOARD ALERT*
(1) Removes long wavelength (soft radiation)
(2) Made of aluminum
(3) Inherent filtration-produced by internal barriers in the tube head (glass, oil)
(4) Added filtration-placement of aluminum disk in PID
(5) Total filtration– inherent + added filtration
Units operating below 70kVp=1.5mm of aluminum
Units operating above 70 kVp=2.5mm of aluminum
Credit: Mosby 2011
- Collimation *BOARD ALERT*
(1) Determines the size and shape of the beam
(2) Made of lead
(3) Round or Rectangular
(4) Rectangular Collimation most important factor in reducing (~60%) unnecessary radiation but without good technique may increase the need for retakes from conecuts
(5) Maximum size of beam at the patient’s face not to exceed 2.75 in.
Credit: Pearson 2012
- Position Indicating Device (PID)
(1) An extension of the tube head that is used to direct the x- ray beam
(2) Cylinder-lead-lined, open-ended, most common
(3) Rectangular-lead-lined, open-ended, most effective in reducing exposure to patient
(4) Used to establish desired source-object distance by means of 8 (short), 12, 16” (long)
16” preferred for paralleling to reduce divergent x-ray beam
- Exposure:
- Lead Apron
- Use with thyroid collar for intraoral and without for panoramics
- Must have an equivalent of 0.25mm lead
- Image Receptor
- Film
(1) Use fastest speed film, “F” if available
(2) Use largest film the patient will tolerate
(3) Second most effective method of reducing radiation to the patient
- Digital Sensor
(1) Use will further reduce patient exposure
- Use of an image receptor aiming device are recommended
(1) Radiographer should NEVER hold the receptor
(2) Patient digital retention method is unethical
- Technique Standard
- Paralleling vs. Bisecting
- Good techniqueless retakesreduced exposure to patient
- Exposure Factors
- Selection and manipulation of exposure factors
- Exposure Timer
- Require continuous pressure to produce x-ray
- Automatically resets
- 60 impulses=1second
- After Exposure:
- Proper film handling
- Retake Criteria
- Operator Protection: *BOARD ALERT*
- Remain behind a shield/barrier during exposure
- Distance
- Most important safeguard for operator
- 6’ away from tube head
- 90-135 degree angle to the beam
Credit: Pearson 2016
- Maximum Permissible Dose (MPD) *BOARD ALERT*
- Maximum dose of ionizing radiation that a body is permitted to receive within a specific period
- Radiation workers/Occupationally exposed workers
- General public (pregnant/under 18-year-old radiation workers)
5mSv (0.5rem)/year
- Personnel monitoring device to measure and monitor radiation exposure
XIV. Dental Film
- Composition of X-ray film *BOARD ALERT*
- Emulsion is composed of gelatin and silver halide crystals
- Gelatin
(1) keeps crystals evenly suspended
- Crystals
(1) compound of halogen (bromine or iodine) and 90-99% silver bromine 1-10% silver iodine
(2) crystals are sensitive to radiation and retain a latent image
- Types of Film
- Intraoral
- Exposed while in the oral cavity
- Size 0-4
- Packaging
(1) 1-2 films containing an identification dot
(2) Black paper wrapping to protect from light
(3) Embossed lead foil to absorb scatter radiation
(4) Moisture-resistant outer wrapping (solid white side faces radiation)
- Extraoral
- exposed while outside the oral cavity
- Sizes 8”x10”, 5-6”x12”
- Packaging
(1) 25, 50, or 100 to a box
(2) not individually wrapped
- Emulsion Sensitivity *BOARD ALERT*
- Film speed is determined by the size of the silver halide crystals, thickness of emulsion and radiosensitive dyes
- Speed ranges from D through F speed available (F=fastest) (F requires 60% of the exposure time of D-speed film)
- Faster film is less radiation exposure for the patient, but the emulsion has larger crystals therefore image quality is less
- Screen film
- Used with extraoral radiographs
- Exposed by fluorescent type of light given off by special emulsion-coated intensifying screens that are positioned between the film and the x-ray source
- Calcium tungstate emits a blue light to expose the film
- Rare-earth crystals emits a green light to expose the film
Credit: Pocketdentistry.com
- Film Storage and Protection *BOARD ALERT*
- X-ray film is sensitive to radiation, light, heat (50-70 degrees F), humidity (30-50%), chemical fumes and physical pressure
- Expiration date should be visible as stored
- Expired film may compromise the image quality
- Step Wedge: Used to test the amount of radiation reaching the image receptor through each of the increments
- Film Processing
- Processing transforms the latent image.
- Developer *BOARD ALERT*
- Reduces the exposed silver halide crystals within the film emulsion to black and silver metallic
- Softens the emulsion
Developing agent
(reducing agent) |
Preservative | Sodium sulfite |
Activator | Sodium carbonate |
Restrainer | Potassium bromide |
- Removes the unexposed/undeveloped silver halide crystals
- Hardens the emulsion
Fixing agent
(clearing agent) |
thiosulfate *BOARD ALERT* |
Preservative | Sodium sulfite |
Hardening agent | Potassium Alum |
Acidifier | Acetic acid |
- Manual Processing Steps *BOARD ALERT*
- Developing (optimum temp 68 degrees for 5 minutes)
- Rinsing 30 sec; stops further development; removes developer as to not contaminate the fixer
- Fixing 10 min (wet read safe after 2 min but return to complete time)
- Washing 20 min; removes all chemicals
- Drying
- Automatic Processing Steps
- Feed to dry time is approximately 4-6 minutes.
- NO RINSE between developer and fixer *BOARD ALERT*
- Darkroom
- Provides area where x-ray films can be safely handled and processed
- Lighting
- Avoid fluorescent overhead lighting – tendency for afterglow might contribute to film fog.
- Safelight *BOARD ALERT*
- A special light emitting diode (LED) bulb or filtered white light bulb.
- 7.5 watt or 15-watt incandescent white light with safelight filter over it.
- Safelight filter removes short wavelengths in the blue-green region of the visible light spectrum.
- Minimum of 4 feet from the working area.
- 2 ½ minute exposure without fogging
- Quality Control for darkroom
- Test includes:
- Assessment of safe lighting
- Checking for white light leaks
- Processing chemistry maintenance
- Detection of conditions as that create film fog
Use: Coin Test for safe light testing
- Film Orientation *BOARD ALERT*
- Mounting radiographs provides a systematic approach to viewing and evaluating radiographs
- Films are placed in mounts then placed on viewbox for viewing.
- ADA recommends labial mounting
- dot is convex in mount and facing the operator
- patients right is the operators left; patients left is the operators right
- Lingual mounting
- dot is concave
- patients right is operators right
XVI. Film- Processing Errors *BOARD ALERT*
- Herringbone pattern
- The film was placed in the oral cavity with the incorrect side (colored vs. white) facing the source of radiation. The herringbone pattern from the lead foil imaged on the film. The image was light because the radiation had to penetrate through the lead foil to produce the image of the oral structures.
- Film Identification Dot in the incorrect area
- Embossed dot positioned towards the apical area instead of the occlusal plane.
- Double Image
- Exposing the same film more than one time
- Dark radiographs
- Film left in developer too long
- Too concentrated developer
- Light radiographs
- Film not left in developer long enough (underdeveloped)
- Weak developer concentration
- Old or contaminated developer
- Clear (blank) radiographs
- Film placed in fixer before developer
- Film in rinse water too long
- No radiation was emitted to expose the film
- Partially clear/dark
- Horizontal line; Film not completely submerged in solutions
- Circular; Bubbles formed on film so solutions could not penetrate
- Black radiographs
- Prematurely exposed to white light
- Green radiograph
- Films stuck together and chemicals cannot penetrate through emulsion
- Yellow-brown radiographs
- Insufficient washing
- Markings
- Dark
- creasing from pressure/bending
- marks from uncleaned processor rollers
- static electricity resembling branches
- crackling of the emulsion from different solution temperature- Reticulation
- Light
- scratches from handling (nails, etc)
- finger prints from oils and residual from gloves
- Fogged Film
- Not protecting films before/after exposure from radiation
- White light leaking in darkroom
- Prolonged exposure to safelight
- Glow from white light in darkroom (watch, cell phone, ceiling light)
- Film stored in warm damp conditions or exposed to chemical fumes
- Using expired film
XVII. Digital Radiography
- Digital imaging
- replaces the term radiograph
- now acquire an image not take a radiograph
- no physical form
- bits of information in a computer file
- Acquiring an Image
- X-ray Machine
- source of radiation
- Software and Computer
- used to capture, digitize, process, view and store the image
- Image Receptors *BOARD ALERT*
- Direct Digital Imaging-made up of a grid of light-sensitive cells (pixels)
(1) Charge-coupled device (CCD)
(2) Complementary metal oxide semiconductor active pixel sensor (CMOS-APS)
(3) wired or wireless
(4) rigid
(5) sizes 0-2
- Indirect Digital Imaging-plate that captures x-ray energy as analog data and indirectly produces a digital image on a computer screen when scanned
(1) Photostimulable phosphor (PSP)
(2) wireless
(3) thin and flexible
(4) sizes 0-4
- Up to 50%-90% radiation reduction when using digital versus traditional film
XVIII. Types of Intraoral Examination
- Periapical– images the entire tooth (2mm beyond) and surrounding bone
- Indications:
- suspected apical pathology
- trauma
- large carious lesions
- periodontal involvement
- endodontic therapy
- developmental anomalies (impacted teeth, unusual eruption, etc)
- unexplained sensitivity/bleeding/mobility
- Oriented vertically in the anterior; horizontally in the posterior
- Bitewing-records the coronal portions of the teeth and the alveolar bone of both the maxilla and mandible on a single radiograph
- Most common intraoral examination
- Indications:
- detecting interproximal caries
- detecting early periodontal disease
- Oriented horizontally; vertically with more extensive periodontal involvement
- Full Mouth-series or survey of the maxilla and mandible compiled of periapical and bitewing images
- Includes dentulous and edentulous areas
- Occlusal-images the entire or portion of the maxilla or mandible on a single radiograph
- Indications:
- pathologic conditions such as cysts
- trauma such as fractures
- impacted or supernumerary teeth
- locating foreign objects
- unexplained swelling/growth such as salivary stone
Maxillary Topographical Occlusal Radiograph Anterior | +65 Vertical Angulation |
Maxillary Topographical Occlusal Radiograph Posterior | +45 Vertical Angulation |
Mandibular Topographical Occlusal Radiograph Anterior | -55 Vertical Angulation |
Mandibular Topographical Occlusal Radiograph Posterior | -45 Vertical Angulation |
Mandibular Cross-sectional Occlusal Radiograph | 0 Vertical Angulation |
- Object Localization
- Definitive Method
(1) based on principles of shadow casting that an object positioned farther away from the receptor will be magnified and less clearly defined; if it is clear then it is likely to be on the lingual closest to the receptor
- Right-angle Method
(1) expose a cross-sectional occlusal radiograph which places the receptor at a right angle to the arch there you will be able to see if the object is on the lingual or buccal
- Tube Shift Method (buccal-object rule) *BOARD ALERT*
(1) 2 images needed
(2) S-same
(3) If the object moves in the same direction as the tube shift then the object is on the lingual
XIX. Intraoral Techniques *BOARD ALERT*
- Paralleling Technique (right-angle or long-cone)
- Technique of choice
- Satisfies more principles of shadow casting
- Application:
- the receptor is placed parallel to the long axis of the tooth
- the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth and the receptor
- the x-ray beam is then directed perpendicular through interproximal spaces of the teeth of interest
- the x-ray beam is centered over the image receptor
- Bisecting Technique (bisecting-angle or short-cone)
- Used for ease of image receptor placement when paralleling cannot be accomplished (patients with small mouths, exaggerated gag reflex, shallow palate, narrow arch, tori)
- Application:
- the receptor is placed against the lingual surface of teeth
- the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the imaginary bisector that divides that angle that is formed from the long axis of the tooth and the image receptor
- the x-ray beam is then directed perpendicular through interproximal spaces of the teeth of interest
- the x-ray beam is centered over the image receptor
- Limitations: Distortion and superimposion of structures
- Intraoral Image Normal Anatomy *BOARD ALERT*
Radiolucent (rl) | Radiopaque (rl) |
fossa | bone |
foramen | ridge |
canal | process |
sinus | tubercle |
suture | wall |
spine |
- Maxilla
- Anterior
- incisive foramen (rl)- round-or pear-shaped opening appearing between the apices of the central incisors
- midpalatine suture (rl)- thin line that down the center of the palate
- nasal fossa (rl)- large airspace divided in to two halves by the nasal septum
- lateral fossa (rl)- between the lateral incisor and canine representing a decreased thickness of bone in that area
- anterior nasal spine (ro)- v-shaped projection from the floor of the nasal fossa in the midline
- nasal septum (ro)- vertical line separating the right nasal fossa from left
- inverted Y (ro)- union of lateral border of nasal fossa and anterior wall of maxillary sinus in the area of the canine-premolar
- Posterior
- maxillary sinus (rl)-large air chamber inside the maxilla in the canine to molar area
- zygomatic process of maxilla (ro)- a braod U- or J-shaped band above or superimposed over maxillary roots of first and second molars
- zygoma (ro)- extends laterally and distally from zygomatic process
- maxillary tuberosity (ro)- extension of alveolar bone distal to maxillary molars
- hamulus (ro)- downward projection of the pterygoid plate
- coronoid process (ro)- mandibular structure appearing triangular or pointed superimposed over maxillary tuberosity distal to molars
- Mandible
- Anterior
- lingual foramen (rl)- small round opening in the center of the genial tuberacles apical to the mandibular central incisors
- mental fossa (rl)-depression on the labial aspect of mandibular incisor area
- genial tubercles (ro)- bony crests on lingual surface of mandible appearing round apical to mandibular central incisors
- mental ridge (ro)- horizontal line extending from the premolar region to the symphysis (midline) of mandible
- Posterior
- mental foramen (rl)- small round hole on the lateral side of the body of the mandible near the apices of the premolars
- mandibular canal (rl)- two thin parallel lines below the apices of the molars
- submandibular fossa (rl)- irregular shaped area below the mylohyoid ridge and the apices of the molars
- oblique ridge (ro)- horizontal line superimposed across the molar roots which is a continuation of the anterior border of the ramus
- mylohyoid ridge (ro)- horizontal line running inferior to the oblique ridge below apices of molars
XXI. Intraoral Radiographic Technique Errors *BOARD ALERT*
- Missing apices
- receptor not placed high enough in the palate for maxilla or low enough in the floor for mandible (check stabe placement as well)
- vertical angulation inadequate (too flat)
- Missing crowns
- receptor placed below the incisal/occlusal edge
- vertical angulation excessive (too steep)
- if receptor placement is correct when bisecting, then you cannot miss crowns
- Elongation
- happens with bisecting angle, vertical angulation inadequate (too flat)
Credits: cdeworld.com
- Foreshortening
- happens with bisecting angle, vertical angulation excessive (too steep)
Credits: pocketdentistry.com
- Overlapping
- not positioning the receptor parallel to the interproximal space of interest
- horizontal angulation directed mesiodistally=overlapping more excessive in the posterior region of the image receptor
Credits: ccnmtl.columbia.edu
- horizontal angulation directed distomesially=overlapping more excessive in the anterior region of the image receptor
Credits: eaglerockdentalcare.
- Unequal distribution/Slanting of Occlusal Plane
- periapicals, image receptor not parallel with incisal or occlusal plane
- bitewings, bitetab/block not centered on receptor
- bitewings, bitetab/block not flush on occlusal surface
- edge of receptor contacts and is forced by lingual gingiva or palate to tip
- receptor is placed on the tongue
- Conecut
- receptor is not center within the PID (beam)
- incorrectly assembling the receptor positioner
- not orienting the rectangular PID to match the receptor
- Blank image
- equipment malfunction
- not depressing the exposure button
- digital receptor in backwards
- Blurred images
- patient, tube head, receptor movement
XXII. Types of ExtraOral Examinations *BOARD ALERT*
- Panoramic– Broad image of the entire dentition, alveolar bone, sinuses, and temporomandibular joints on one single radiograph
- Most common extraoral examination
- Based on tomography
- Indications:
- examining large areas in the face or jaw
- trauma, lesions and diseases
- impacted, supernumerary teeth, retained root tips
- growth and development
- Focal Trough
- 3-dimensional horse-shoe shaped area where the patients dentition is placed to get the sharpest image possible
- Basic components:
- Rotational tube head
- Image Receptor
- Patient positioners
- Control panel
- Patient positioning is critical
- Lateral Cephalometric-lateral skull
- Positioning
- Entire skull from the side
- Area of Interest
- Sinuses
- Posteroanterior Cephalometric-posterior skull
- Positioning
- Entire skull from posterior to anterior
- Area of Interest
- Frontal sinuses
- Waters
- Positioning
- Middle third of face (head tipped back; nose .75in from receptor)
- Area of Interest
- Maxillary, frontial and ethmoid sinuses
- Reverse Towne
- Positioning
- Forehead to receptor (head tipped down with mouth open)
- Area of Interest
- Condyle
- Submentovertex
- Positioning
- Frankfort plane perpendicular to the floor (xray from chin region)
- Area of Interest
- Base of skull, condyles, sphenoid sinus and zygoma
- Transcranial
- Positioning
- Similar to lateral ceph except xray beam is at +25 degrees
- Area of Interest
- Head of condyle, glenoid fossa, temporal bone, TMJ
- Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
- Developed in 1990s
- Produces 3-dimensional image
- Indications:
- assessing for implants and orthodontics
- evaluation with tooth extraction and impaction
- guide for reconstructions
XXIII. Extraoral Image Normal Anatomy *BOARD ALERT*
(will not repeat descriptions from Intraoral descriptions)
- Maxilla
- Anterior Nasal Spine (ro)
- Incisive Canal (rl)- not often visible; tunnel from floor of nasl cavity inferior to alveolar ridge between maxillary incisors
- Incisive Foramen (rl)
- Infraorbital Foramen (rl)- round radiolucent opening in bone inferior to border of orbit
- Nasal Cavity (rl)- pear-shaped located superior to maxilla incisor roots
- Nasal Septum (ro)
- Orbit (rl)- large boney cavity of eye socket located superior or superimposed over maxillary sinus
- External Auditory Meatus (rl)- round opening in temporal bone located anterior and superior to mastoid process
- Hamulus (ro)
- Lateral Pterygoid Plate (ro)- wing-like bony projection of sphenoid bone located posterior to maxillary tuberosity
- Mastoid Process– (ro)- prominent rounded protrusion of temporal bone located posterior and inferior to TMJ
- Maxillary Sinus (rl)
- Maxillary tuberosity (ro)
- Styloid Process (ro)- long bone extending downward from inferior surface of temporal bone, anterior to mastoid process
- Zygomatic process (ro)
- Articular Eminence (ro)-slight convex protrusion extending inferior from zygomatic process of temporal bone; anterior to glenoid fossa
- Glenoid Fossa (rl)- slight concavity in zygomatic process of temporal bone posterior to articular eminence
- Hard Palate (ro)- thick horizontal band superior to maxillary teeth
- Mandible
- Genial Tubercle (ro)
- Lingual Foramen (rl)
- Mental Fossa (rl)
- Mental Ridge (ro)
- Angle of the mandible (ro)- where body and ramus of mandible meet
- Condyle (ro)- dense rounded head and neck extension of ramus of mandible
- Coronoid Process (ro)
- Lingula (ro)- projection of bone located anterior and adjacent to mandibular foramen
- Mandibular Canal (rl)
- Mandibular Foramen (rl)- round opening in bone on lingual aspect of ramus
- Mandibular Notch (ro)-concavity of bone between coronoid process and condyle
- Mental Foramen (rl)
- Mylohyoid Ridge (ro)
- Oblique Ridge (ro) 15. Submandibular Fossa (rl)
- Inferior border of the mandible (ro)- dense band of thick cortical bone that outlines lower border of mandible
- Cervical Vertebrae (ro)- appears on the extreme right and left of the image
- Hyoid Bone (ro)- horse-shoe shaped bone located in the neck region inferior to mandible
- Air Spaces
- 1. Palatoglossal
- Nasopharyngeal
- Glossopharyngeal
XXIV. Extraoral Radiographic Technique Errors *BOARD ALERT*
- Blurred, thin, elongated anterior teeth and prominent vertebrae on both sides
- patient positioned too far anterior (forward) of focal trough
- not biting on bitestick correctly; not aligning vertical beam in anterior sextant region
Credits: ijdr.in
- Magnified, widened anterior teeth, no vertebrae on image
- patient positioned too far posterior (back) from focal trough
- not biting on bitestick correctly; not aligning vertical beam in anterior sextant region
- Narrowed teeth on one side (lateral) while the other side is magnified
- patient head is tipped
- midline beam is not aligned correctly
Credits: pdfs.semanticscholar.org
- Exaggerated smile, condyles slant inward
- Frankfort plane/ala-tragus not aligned correctly; chin tipped down (inferior)
- Exaggerated frown, hard palate onscures the maxillary apices
- Frankfort plane/ala-tragus not aligned correctly; chin tipped up (superior)
- Bright white, triangular radiopacity on mandibular teeth
- lead apron
Credits: dentalcare.com
- Ghost-like, square radiopacity on mandibular teeth
- vertebrae compressed; patient slumped
Credits: intechopen.com
- Too dark/Too light
- Exposure setting set incorrectly
- Vertical radiolucent line/Partial images
- Radiation stopped (hit shoulder, released button, incorrect setting)
- Large radiolucent oval over maxillary apices
- Tongue not in palate during exposure
Credits: ijdr.in
- Radiolucent oval over mandibular anterior teeth
- Lips not closed around bite stick during exposure
XXV. Radiographic Appearance of Caries *BOARD ALERT*
- Incipient
- Radiolucent portion is less than halfway through enamel
- Moderate
- Radiolucent portion is more than halfway through enamel but does not penetrate DEJ
- Advanced
- Radiolucent portion is less than halfway through dentin toward pulp
- Severe
- Radiolucent portion is more than halfway through dentin toward pulp
- Occlusal caries become evident and distinguised in the advanced and severe stage
- Buccal/lingual caries become evident once it enters into the advanced stage
- Cemental caries become evident once it enters into the advanced stage
- Mistaken for Caries
- Cervical burnout-Radiolucency at the thin cervical root surface inferior to crown
- Mach Band Effect-Optical illusion of radiolucent lines caused by overlapping
- Non-metallic restorations-radiolucent appearance of composite, bases, resins
XXVI. Radiographic Appearance of Periodontal Disease *BOARD ALERT*
- Horizontal bone loss-buccal, lingual and interdental bone resorb at the same rate
- Vertical bone loss-bone resorbs at different rates between adjacent teeth creating an angle
- Healthy-alveolar crest 1-2mm apical to CEJ
- Mild Periodontitis-alveolar crest 2-3mm apical to CEJ
- Moderate Periodontitis-alveolar crest 3-5mm apical to CEJ. Radiolucency evident in furcation of posterior teeth.
- Severe Periodontontitis-alveolar crest greater than 5mm apical to CEJ. Radiolucency evident in furcation of posterior teeth. PDL space widened.
XXVII.Radiographic Appearance of Anomolies and Lesions *BOARD ALERT*
- Anomalies
- Hypodontia-failure of a tooth or teeth to develop
- Hyperdontia-Extra teeth formed; supernumerary
- Dens in dente-tooth within a tooth
- Dilaceration-abormal root curvature
- Fusion-two adjacent teeth fuse together; joining of 2 pulp chambers
Credits: sciencedirect.com
- Gemination-single tooth divides into 2 joined “teeth”; a single pulp chamber
Credits: researchgate.net
- Radiolucent Lesions
- Periapical pathology-radiolucency at apex
- Dentigerous (follicular) cyst-radiolucency at crown of an unerupted tooth
Credits: directionsindentistry.com
- Nonodontogenic cyst-not of tooth origin
- incisive canal (nasopalatine) cyst-within incisive canal
- globulomaxillary cyst-between maxillary lateral and canine
Credits: memorangapp.com
- Radiopaque Lesions
- Periapical ossifications
- condensing osteitis-irregular shaped radiolucency near apices of a non-vital tooth as a result of infection or irritation
Credits: studyblue.com
- osteosclerosis-more regular shape at premolar region not associated with infection or irritation; cause is idiopathic
Credits: journal of oral and maxillofacial radiology
- Hypercementosis-excessive cementum along root
Credits: dentistry.osu.edu
- Pulp stones-calcification in the dental pulp
- Retained root
- Resorption
- Internal resorption-widening of the pulp chamber
- External resorption-resorption of a root
- Lucent-Opaque Lesion
- Odontoma-abnormal creation of cells and tissues
Credits: drgstoothpix.com
- Other:
- Carotoid Stenosis-constriction of the carotid arteries by an accumulation of plaque; may be recorded on panoramic image 45 degrees from angle of mandible towards cervical vertebrae
Credits: nature.com
- Osteoporosis-recorded changes in the width of cortical bone of the inferior border of the mandible
XXVIII.Radiographic Appearance of Dental Materials *BOARD ALERT*
- Metallic
- amalgam
- post and core
- retenion pin
- full metal crown vs. porcelin-fused to metal crown
- stainless steel crown
- Non-metallic
- composite
- ceramic/porcelain crown
- base/cements
- gutta percha